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Our college of business has been educating all students under the principle of "responsibility management" for some time, and this is now in line with ESG management. Recently, the college of business has added "ESG management" as a mandatory course in its curriculum, and the college of business and international college will jointly open and operate an "ESG management microdegree" from the spring of 2023. This will enable many students interested in ESG to complete ESG management as one degree program.

The Education Innovation Division is creating projects centered around SDGs-related activities, receiving applications from each department and actively allocating budgets to support SDGs activities. We are currently compiling related achievements, and they will be available to see in our annual report when it is published.

As you may know, every year, Future Civilization University holds the GC (Global Collaborative) program, in which domestic and international students participate. This year, the program was conducted under the theme of "Global Civilization: Cultural Exchange, Global Citizenship, Pandemic," and by examining the courses and responsible professors in the table below, it can be seen that there is a close relationship with ESG.

In addition, the civic education courses at Humanity College can be considered as one of the pillars of ESG. For example, the Jeju Living Lab course held this summer is a good model for experiencing the local community and solving its problems. The Graduate School of Business Administration is also operating an ESG management education program for government-owned enterprises. This year, they have signed MOUs with organizations such as the National Health Insurance Corporation and the Korea Electric Power Corporation KDN, and are conducting ESG management education for their employees. They plan to expand the program further in the future.

Field Course title Faculty in charge
Global Agenda and Action Sustainable Development: The Role of Business Oliver F. Williams Univ. of Notre Dame
Climate Change and ESG Management Robert N. Stavins Harvard Univ.
Prof. Oh Hyugn Nah Kyung Hee University
Peace and Global Solidarity The United Nations and Global Issues: Understanding the Dynamics and Workings of the UN System Ambassador Oh Joon Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Republic of Korea to the United Nations in New York
International Relations:
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Theory, History, and Policy Debates
G. John Ikenberry Princeton Univ.
Understanding Gender Inequality Irina Bokova Kyung Hee University
(Former UNESCO Secretariat General)
Hwanhee Park Kyung Hee University
Humanity and Global Civilization Global Korean Pop Culture Sarah Keith Macquarie Univ.
Creativity and Innovation in NGOs: Understanding How to Become a Social Entrepreneur Ram A. Cnaan Univ. of Pennsylvania
Understanding Korean culture in the context of East Asia Hye Kyung Ji Kyung Hee University